Unintentional Gaslighting Causes Complex PTSD in Autistic People – (Free Downloadable eBook)

What is unintentional gaslighting? Is it even possible for one person to accidentally gaslight and mentally torture another person? Yes! I truly believe it is! Especially when it comes to how neurotypical and autistic people interact with one another.
Many autistic people have post-traumatic stress disorder and complex post-traumatic stress disorder due to a lifetime of unintentional gaslighting. Being an autistic person in a neurotypical world is an experience of gaslighting in and of itself because the world is simply not made for us, so, oftentimes, just daily living can be confusing and traumatizing.
If you have an autistic or otherwise neurodivergent loved one in your life, download this free and comprehensive guide for neurotypical people by clicking on the photo or link below.
Ayyyyy I did not even realize I was being gaslighted until now. (I’m pretty sure it’s not on purpose though.) I have AuDHD and my mom can be /mean/. She yells at me on a whim, curses, forces me to go to overstimulating places, scolds me for having meltdown (this confuses me) and tells to to “turn my stims down”. Whenever I tell her about the way she treats me she ends up yelling at me and painting herself as the victim, she never apologizes (or she says stuff like “I’m sorry that I __ but I was right” and “I’m sorry but I never did anything wrong”. She also intimidates my dad into agreeing with her (like yelling or “changing” his opinion to hers.) she also says that I was lying to her for years by masking, and (even after I tell her how harmful it is!!) forces me to mask. She doesn’t let me even refer to myself as autistic or disabled. Thanks for this article (also I just wanted to comment but not put my email due to privacy so don’t try to email me it won’t work TwT)
She is also LGBTQ phobic and has shamed me for being a masc enby, even going to the lengths of making me go to the mirror and making me say “I am a girl, I am a beautiful girl, I am a smart girl” until I don’t “slip” and correctly gender myself. She says she isn’t lgbt phobic cuz she has gay friends but she is really abusive and idk what to do, any ideas?
Hey, I’m really sorry she was doing that to you. My mom is similar-even down to the transphobia but “supportive”. If you want to message on Discord or tumblr, I’d be glad to offer suggestions or ideas. Tumblr-snatchedsatchellll
Discord- galacticalmanac