Subtle Ways Your Autistic Child Is Being Bullied (That You Aren’t Aware Of)
Is your autistic child being bullied at school? You may not be aware of it. Here are some subtle signs of bullying that you may be missing.
Jaime A. Heidel - The Articulate Autistic
Communicate more effectively with your autistic loved one.
Is your autistic child being bullied at school? You may not be aware of it. Here are some subtle signs of bullying that you may be missing.
Meet Katherine T. Lorelli, a former paraprofessional-turned-consultant who uses her experiences with mistreatment to better autistic lives.
If your autistic loved one has difficulty with social situations, their brain may have to manually filter out info your NT brain does automatically.
Autistic Characteristics / Better Communication / Common Misconceptions
by jaimeaheidel · Published January 12, 2023
Is your autistic loved one purposefully not reciprocating in conversations with you, or is something getting lost in translation?
The Expert Ally explains why mainstream school is often a traumatizing experience for autistic children, and how to make it easier.
Autistic Characteristics / Common Misconceptions / Parent & Child Communication / Trauma & PTSD
by jaimeaheidel · Published November 18, 2022
“Why can’t my autistic child find things?” If your autistic loved one is having trouble finding things, they’re not pretending, they need support.
The ladies of Kind Theory interviewed me for their YouTube channel, and I was happy to be a part of it. Trigger Warning for discussion of childhood trauma.
“My child is autistic, where do I start?” If your child was recently diagnosed with autism, these resources can help you better understand them.
by jaimeaheidel · Published October 17, 2022 · Last modified October 18, 2022
Science has found a way to detect autism in the womb, and the next step may be to try to eliminate it. Why the world needs autistic people.
Why do autistic people overdo projects? Why do autistic people slack off? Why do they do both? Confused? Learn what’s really going on!
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